Mess Is More

Lost In Limbo: Getting Out of That 2020 Rut

January 05, 2021 Nathan & Emily Season 1 Episode 23
Mess Is More
Lost In Limbo: Getting Out of That 2020 Rut
Show Notes

Welcome to 2021, pod goblins! How’s it feel on the other side? If you’re like Em & Nate, you might not feel very different than you did in 2020. After all, we’re all still stuck in the COVID rut, a sort of limbo holding pattern purgatory filled with angst and uncertainty, anger and Enugu, and Netflix and carbs.

The good news is, we can see an end in sight. The bad news...? We’re not entirely sure how long it’ll be before the COVID hold loosens it’s grip, nor do we know what life looks like when it finally does.

Nate & Em break down a rut they’ve experienced in the past, how they handled it (spoiler, not always well) what they learned from it, and how it’s helped them handle this rut we all find ourselves in.

Watch "Soul" on Disney+ and "Psalm of Purgation" to get more Lost in Limbo goodness.

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